‘’I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or even smile at me because I know, even if it’s just for a second, that I've crossed your mind’’

birds go flying at the speed of sound to show you how it all began, Birds came flying from the underground if you could see it then you'd understand

People moving, all the time, inside a perfectly straight line... don't you want just curve away

I could write it down or spread it all around, get lost and then get found

and the wheel just keeps on turning, the drummer begins to drum

"Where should one use perfume?" a young woman asked. "Wherever one wants to be kissed," I said.

But then I'd rather be stuck up in a tree then be tied to it

I will tell it all tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, I'm sure I will tell you then

Rollercoaster, can't find my friends on the ground, just lift me up and send me spiralling down

feels like every time I get back on my feet, he come around and knock me down again

and when my arrow flies straight and true, may it pierce the clouds soar through on through

When my love said to me, meet me down by the hollowed tree. For it sad news I bring, about this town and its offering

throw me in the hurricane, tell the whole world I gone insane

breaking waves announce my bride, it's the only way the sea could sing

and he loved the way her hair fell across her dress

oh marry me mary may, before you go back to play

''when all is said and done, the weather and love are the two elements about which one can never be sure''

I wear my garment so it shows

I am my mother on the wall, with us all

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